GSQ software for analysis of neutron diffraction data on glasses and other disordered materials.

GSQ software runs within the OPENGENIE data display and manipulation software on a Windows PC.

To install GSQ software...

1) Install OPENGENIE.

2) Download and unzip It is best to unzip the files to the directory c:\ and allow the original subdirectories of the files to be used. Then the files will be in subdirectories such as c:\gemsqraw\gcl.

3) It is essential to define several environment variables. They are listed in the file c:\gemsqraw\autoexec.add. There are several methods of defining the environment variables, and the best method depends on the version of Windows on your PC:
For older versions of Windows (e.g. Windows XP), it is best to copy the contents of the file autoexec.add into c:\autoexec.bat
For more recent versions of Windows  (e.g. Windows 7), the environment variables can be set by running c:\gemsqraw\GSQvar.bat
Environment variables may also be set by: Control Panel>System>Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables
List of required environment variables

It can be checked that an environment variable has been successfully defined as follows:
    a) Open a CMD (command prompt) window.
    b) Type: echo %gcl%
    c) The response should be like this: c:/gemsqraw/gcl/
    d) If the response is %gcl% then the environment variable is not defined.

4) Find and modify the file default_genieinit.gcl. The file should be found in one of the following locations:
c:\Program Files\CCLRC ISIS Facility\Open GENIE\src\gcl\
c:\Program Files (x86)\CCLRC ISIS Facility\Open GENIE\src\gcl\

If this file does not already exist, then you should create it yourself, and it must be saved in the correct subdirectory. The following line must be inserted in the file:
load _getenv("gcl")+"genieinit.gcl"

To modify the file, you need to have administrator rights; to save the modified program, it may be necessary to run the editor (e.g. Notepad) by using right-click, then "Run as administrator"

5) Now when you start OpenGenie the GSQ software should be loaded.

6) Follow the instructions in Getting started to show that the GSQ software now works.